Miscellaneous Pair Screencaps

Could you move, Zel?  Our hair clashes. Didn't I see Gourry sneeking out of your cabin this morning? And now, with a wave of my magical mace, I cause Zelgadiss to rise into the air! How dare you say that me and Xellos make a cute couple! Don't worry Filia. Xellos teases us all. And white granny undies are probably much more comfortable than black thongs.' Good ahead! And make another period joke!! But Lina! I got the role of Juliet! Not you! What do you mean insensitive? But it did make Amelia's butt look too big! 'I have more heads!' 'No, I do!' Do you think I could get a girl too if I used your shampoo?  Or maybe I should get a neat staff... YOUR HANDS ARE FREEZING!!!! I don't WANNA play Marylin Monroe! The tragic ending of any attempted V/L lemon.. V: Don't worry Xelloss I'm NOT taking your bi-yotch.
F: What!!  Who are you calling a bi-yotch??? WHOSE bi-yotch? Zel 'Come here cutie... Can you do another Justice Speech?'
Lina: 'OK... that was something I did NOT need to know!' They think WE'RE a couple????? That's a... creative... place for a pink bow, Xelloss. Now, Mr. Gourry, are you coming down or do I have to call the fire department? Gourry and Amelia find out what the Power Ranger Initiation Ceremony entails It's not my fault... I TOLD him not to touch those mushrooms.

Xel/Fil Space