Beach RP Log 10 01 01 Hotspring of Love (In Which No One Has Sex)

By Beach RP

Disclaimer: We don't own these characters, we merely enjoy abusing them ^_^

Session Start: Mon Oct 01 16:49:24 2001

* Zelgadis wakes up with the sun peeking in around their meager cover...
* Zelgadis notices that he is holding Amelia VERY close and sheltering her with his body.
* Amelia is talking in her sleep...
<Amelia> mmm...Zelgadiss...
* Amelia giggles softly.
<Amelia> ...but what will we name the baby?
<Zelgadis> ...
* Zelgadis blushes and gapes...
* Zelgadis decides they'd better get going now!
<Zelgadis> Amelia. Time to get up.
<Amelia> ...that's a strange name...
<Zelgadis> Amelia. <shakes her gently>
* Amelia starts to wake up.
<Amelia> ::half-asleep:: Zelgadiss-san?
<Zelgadis> Amelia. The storm is over. We should start looking for the others.
<Amelia> Oh...okay...
* Amelia wakes up the rest of the way, feeling a bit unhappy that her dream was just a dream. It was such a cute baby!
* Zelgadis checks the packs to see just how wet they are...
<Amelia> Zelgadiss-san, I'm hungry...
* Zelgadis notes that the tent they had propped against the cliff did not fare well. Probably why they ended up so close to each other, taking shelter..
<Zelgadis> The packs are somewhat wet, but the supplies aren't completely ruined.
<Amelia> Oh, good...
<Amelia> Do we have any food?
* Zelgadis opens one and looks for something to give Amelia.
* Zelgadis finds some apples. The rolls got rather soggy...
* Zelgadis hands her an apple, then takes one for himself.
<Zelgadis> I wonder if the others have gone back to the ship yet. We'll want to check there first.
* Amelia munches on the apple while sitting down on a rock.
<Amelia> Okay... Do we have any dry clothes?
* Zelgadis searches the packs to see if the things on the bottom are drier.
* Zelgadis finds some clothing that is marginally drier than what they're wearing
* Zelgadis pulls out the yellow sundress
* Zelgadis looks for clothes for himself... notices strange leather pants that he doubts would have fit BEFORE they got wet. How in the world did those get there??
* Zelgadis finds another pair of somewhat worn jeans under the leather pants.
* Zelgadis thinks the worn jeans would make more sense if he's actually been wearing em before for his stony skin to rub them....
* Amelia looks bewildered at the leather pants...and blushes as thoughts of Zelgadiss-san *wearing* them filter into her mind...
* Zelgadis finds himself another of those poor vandalized shirts and looks around for a place to change...
<Amelia> (Mean Zel!)
<Zelgadis> (Bwhahahaha!)
* Zelgadis looks up and sees Amelia wearing the sundress.
* Zelgadis tries to decide if he's glad or disappointed that he was too busy rummaging for clothes to see her changing...
* Amelia smiles and hugs him.
* Amelia doesn't hug Zelgadiss-san for long, though...
<Zelgadis> Don't do that! You'll get your dress wet!
<Amelia> ...maybe we need to find somewhere for you to dry yourself out first.
<Zelgadis> Dry myself with what? I'm not going to lay in the sun until I'm dry. I'll just have to wash later.
<Amelia> Oh...okay, Zelgadiss-san!
* Zelgadis takes clothes behind a lightly screening bush and turns around to change.
<Zelgadis> (There ya go. She gets butt glimpses!)
* Amelia notices that bush isn't really enough of a screen to hide all of him...and blushes again.
* Zelgadis returns in drier clothes.
<Zelgadis> I guess we may as well put the old clothes in the bags till we find a place to hang them to dry...
* Amelia secretly enjoyed the view very much.
<Amelia> Okay, Zelgadiss-san! ^_^
* Zelgadis thinks they could hang them right there and do other things while they wait, but would really rather get going...
<Amelia> But...wouldn't it be better for them to dry them out now?
* Zelgadis starts to pack the wet clothes, grimacing at the thought they might mildew.
<Zelgadis> Then what would we do while we waited? The others have got to be looking for us by now.
* Zelgadis imagines something they could do... and then imagines being caught.
<Amelia> Don't they say that if you get lost you should stay in one place?
<Zelgadis> We're not lost.
<Amelia> Then...why would the others be looking for us, Zelgadiss-san?
<Zelgadis> We just need to find the others. If we both stayed put we'd never find them.
<Amelia> Oh...
* Amelia looks somewhat disappointed...
<Zelgadis> We're not lost. But they don't know where we are. And we don't know where they are.
<jen> (wonderful. "WE are not lost -THEY are lost. Period.")
<Amelia> So...let's get looking for the others!
<Zelgadis> So... we'd better go look for the others.
* Amelia giggles again, and kisses Zelgadiss-san before skipping off with her pack.
<Zelgadis> Amelia! Wait!
* Amelia stops.
<Amelia> Zelgadiss-san?
<Zelgadis> Don't go that way. There's a...
* Amelia looks down.
<Amelia> Mud puddle?
<Zelgadis> yes..
<Zelgadis> Can you get out without slipping?
* Amelia starts to step out of it, but slips and falls...
* Zelgadis comes to the edge to help her just in time to get splashed.
<Amelia> Ahh! Sorry, Zelgadiss-san!
<Zelgadis> Dammit!! There go our only clean clothes.
<Zelgadis> Here, let me help you.
<Amelia> Thank you, Zelgadiss-san...
* Zelgadis kneels down but can't quite reach her without stretching.
* Zelgadis grumbles as he reaches farther to try and get Amelia out..
* Amelia manages to catch Zelgadiss-san's hand on a wild grab...and accidentally pulls him in.
* Zelgadis suddenly finds himself covered with mud and laying on top of the princess.
* Zelgadis only managed not to squash her by propping an arm on either side.
<Zelgadis> Dammit!!! I'm sorry...
<Amelia> Zelgadiss-san!
* Zelgadis tries to get up and finds out why the princess was slipping so much.
<Amelia> *blushes* Though I guess this isn't first time we've been in this position...
<Amelia> ...but...
* Zelgadis blushes.
<Zelgadis> This time we're covered with mud.
* Zelgadis thinks the Amelia actually looks really cute covered with mud...
<Amelia> And we're still dressed.
* Amelia giggles kawaiily.
<Zelgadis> Yes.
* Zelgadis smiles.
* Zelgadis We need to find a place to clean up now...
<Amelia> ...this mud doesn't feel too bad...
<Amelia> ...but you're probably right, Zelgadiss-san.
* Zelgadis very carefully picks himself up, and then reaches a hand down to Amelia.
<Zelgadis> Maybe we can try this again later.
<Amelia> What do you mean, Zelgadiss-san?
* Amelia pulls herself up...and slips again, this time falling onto Zelgadiss-san's chest.
<Zelgadis> Nothing. Lets get going.
<Amelia> Oh...okay, Zelgadiss-san...
* Zelgadis tries really really hard not to think hentai thoughts as the princess presses against him..
<Zelgadis> (Note: If he has to try at all he's already failed. And it's noticeable, especially as his pants are very muddy.)
<Zelgadis> I... I think we passed a pool on our way here. Maybe we can use that to clean up...
* Amelia wonders if *Zelgadiss-san* will actually cope well with waiting until their wedding...
<Amelia> Okay, Zelgadiss-san...
* Zelgadis holds Amelia and edges their way slowly out of the puddle...
* Zelgadis notices that the packs are now muddy too.... They'll have to wash and dry ALL those clothes.
* Amelia enjoys being held by Zelgadiss-san...and hopes he won't object to cuddling before the wedding...
* Zelgadis realizes they won't have a towel to dry off afterwards... this may take a while.
* Amelia looks like she should be purring.
* Zelgadis makes it out of the puddle.
<Zelgadis> I think the spring is this way. <points>
<Amelia> Oh...okay, Zelgadiss-san! ^_^
* Zelgadis somehow forgets to let go of her hand as he heads for the pool.
* Amelia is happy. ^_^
<Zelgadis> Ah, good. I was right.
* Zelgadis sees a very relaxing looking hotspring that is just a little too tempting for those who have just decided NOT to have sex...
| the spring has one large pool surrounded by lush bushes, and to top off the stereotype, a small waterfall tumbling into it.
<Zelgadis> We should probably start by washing all of these clothes and hanging them to dry...
* Zelgadis tries to put off the actual disrobing... but knows it's hopeless.
<Amelia> Okay, Zelgadiss-san...
* Zelgadis looks at the pack gauging if he should just unpack the whole thing... This would be easier if he weren't covered with mud!
<Amelia> Why don't we set up camp here, Zelgadiss-san?
* Zelgadis bends down and tries to rinse the mud off his arms.
* Zelgadis gets up from the pool, now wet AND muddy. (Too bad he's too stubborn to take off the clothes and set up camp nekkid!)
<Amelia> ...maybe we should get our clothes *off* we don't get what's in our packs any muddier.
<Zelgadis> I don't think it can get any muddier. We'll just have to wash it all and salvage what we can.
* Zelgadis shakes the water off his arms and starts to unpack the first bag.
<Amelia> Okay, Zelgadiss-san...
* Zelgadis looks at the rain soaked clothes from last night and decides they may as well get washed.
* Amelia opens up her pack after getting as much of the mud as she can rinsed off her hands and sighs...
* Zelgadis sets those aside to be washed and continues unpacking... *Some* of it is almost clean and he sets that on a large rock to keep it that way.
* Amelia follows Zelgadiss-san's example.
* Zelgadis when he finishes sorting takes the large pile of muddy clothes, tent, blanket and the pack itself to the pool to wash.
<Amelia> Zelgadiss-san?
<Zelgadis> Hmm?
<Amelia> I've finished sorting this bag...will you help me get my dress off?
<Zelgadis> Do you think that's a good idea, just yet?
<Amelia> Might as well wash it with the other clothes...
<Amelia> ...and it's not like you've not seen me naked before. ^_^
* Zelgadis realizes he does look pretty foolish in his muddle clothes, but didn't want to admit it...
* Zelgadis blushes
<Zelgadis> Well...
* Zelgadis can't think of any good argument...
<Zelgadis> Alright. But this is just so we can wash the clothes.
<Amelia> Of course, Zelgadiss-san! What did you think I meant?
* Amelia smiles happily.
* Zelgadis sets down his pile and goes to help Amelia with her upper buttons.
* Zelgadis is determined NOT to look at the skin underneath.
<Zelgadis> There.
<Amelia> Thank you, Zelgadiss-san!
* Zelgadis does *not* really want Amelia to see how excited all of this has gotten him....
* Zelgadis goes to the far end of the pool and slips into the water and out of his muddy clothes.
| the pool isn't that big. They can see each other quite well from the far end
* Amelia quickly gets her dress off and the rest of the way naked...
* Amelia looks over at Zelgadiss-san.
* Zelgadis takes his pile of muddy things and starts washing, turned so he doesn't see Amelia.
<Amelia> Zelgadiss-san?
<Zelgadis> Yes?
<Amelia> Want me to bring my muddy clothes to you?
* Zelgadis glances in her direction, blushes and looks aside.
<Amelia>'ve got the soap...
<Zelgadis> Oh, right..
* Zelgadis continues washing.
<Zelgadis> If you want put them on that rock and I'll get them. <waves at the large rock in the center>
<Amelia> Okay, Zelgadiss-san!
* Amelia takes her pile of clothes needing a wash to the rock, and happens to get a very good look at Zelgadiss-san.
* Zelgadis washes quite industriously trying to keep his mind distracted.
* Amelia decides that there's no reason not to soak in the hot spring.
* Zelgadis finishes washing and takes Amelia's clothes to start on them...
* Amelia happily slips into the pool.
* Zelgadis is furiously scrubbing Amelia's clothes and trying hard not to stare too much at the Justice panties as he washes them...
<Amelia> Mmm...
* Zelgadis hope he doesn't get carried away washing while trying not to think about the naked girl in his pool...
<Filia> (Zel: Don't think about Amelia, don't think about Amelia...wait..if I'm not going to think about her, I should stop thinking about her...*nods, goes back to scrubbing panties*)
<Amelia> Zelgadiss-san, take it easy on my clothes...
<Zelgadis> Oh. Yes...
* Zelgadis decides the clothes are clean enough
* Zelgadis wonders how to get out and hang them up while naked...
* Amelia smiles, and gets as much of the mud off as she can without soap...
<Filia> (*places a convenient bush in front of Zel, digitized of course*)
<Amelia> You know, Zelgadiss-san...this place is rather private...
<Amelia> ...and it's sooo nice...
* Amelia sighs a happy sigh.
* Zelgadis takes a vandalized shirt and wraps it loosely around himself, still dripping.
* Zelgadis It is rather nice isn't it.
<Amelia> Yes, Zelgadiss-san...maybe we should come back here later...
<Zelgadis> (Private?? Not with that dragon and her front row seat!)
<Zelgadis> Maybe.
<Filia> (Sore wa....himitsu desu!)
<Amelia> (She's not a voyeur, is she?)
* Zelgadis emerges from the pool dripping wet and silly looking with the shirt barely covering anything worth covering.
<Amelia> ::pouting:: Zelgadiss-san...
* Amelia wanted to get to admire Zelgadiss-san.
<Zelgadis> Is something wrong?
* Zelgadis takes sopping pile of clothes and starts looking for branches to hang them.
* Zelgadis notices he still has the soap.
<Filia> (rabidfangirls:*move in*)
<Zelgadis> Um.. Would you like the soap? <looks carefully only at Amelia's face and not at the bits just under.>
<Filia> (Amelia: I don't want the soap, I want you dammit!)
<Amelia> Of course, Zelgadiss-san...
<Amelia> ...will you hand it to me?
* Zelgadis blushes.
* Zelgadis is determined NOT to show just how much difficulty he's having with his control.
<Amelia> Zelgadiss-san?
<Amelia> Do you want to use the soap first?
* Zelgadis makes sure the wet shirt is covering his lower areas as best as a wet shirt could, and sets down the rest of the clothes.
<Zelgadis> I've got to hang these clothes. You can have it first.
<Amelia> Okay, Zelgadiss-san...
<Filia> (Zel: I' sexy for my pants...too sexy for my pants...O.o; dun ask...)
* Zelgadis walks over to Amelia's side of the pool, and hands her the soap.
* Amelia takes the soap with a smile.
<Amelia> Thank you, Zelgadiss-san!
* Zelgadis slips up and forgets to turn his eyes before Amelia reaches for the soap.
* Zelgadis finds himself frozen staring at her... watching the way certain things move when she reaches.
* Amelia kisses Zelgadiss-san on the cheek as a thank-you.
* Zelgadis stares blankly at her chest...
* Zelgadis snaps out of it, shakes head...
<Zelgadis> Sorry. I need to go finish hanging up these clothes.
<Amelia> Sorry about what, Zelgadiss-san?
* Zelgadis hurries back to the wet clothes pile
* Amelia is honestly confused.
<Filia> (Zel: Underwear gets hung first..)
<Zelgadis> Nothing!
<Amelia> something wrong, Zelgadiss-san?
<Zelgadis> No, I'm fine...
<Zelgadis> (Wet shirts don't cover large stone shafts very well....)
<Gourry> (Obelisks of Love!!)
* Amelia then realizes *why* Zelgadiss-san was wearing that wet shirt, and blushes. She begins busily before starting on scrubbing herself.
* Zelgadis begins hanging the clothes on various branches so they will dry.
<Zelgadis> (sorry HK, I hope he doesn't block your view with the wet clothes!)
* Zelgadis tries to think of the best way to dry the shirt and not lose his cover..
<Gourry> (You know I could see "Obelisks of Love" be a really cheesy dance hit. Or crappy disco era movie.)
<Amelia> (<Amelia> There's no point, Zelgadiss-san. I already know.)
* Amelia sighs as she tries to figure out how to scrub her back...
<Amelia> Zelgadiss-san?
<Zelgadis> Hm?
* Zelgadis is still standing in his wet shirt.
* Zelgadis having not found a safe way to disrobe it.
<Filia> (Amelia:...can you PLEASE take off your shirt? Work for the camera! *whips one out*)
<Amelia> Ummm...will you scrub my back? I'll scrub your back in return!
* Zelgadis blushes.
<Zelgadis> Well..
<Filia> (Zel:...*hentai thoughts creep in*)
<Zelgadis> Amelia... I thought we weren't going to...
<Amelia> Zelgadiss-san...
<Amelia> ...since when did scrubbing each others' backs count as sex?
<Lina> (<Amelia> We're not! Just like Miss Lina was offering to share the bed with Mr. Gourry... in a purely literal sense. ^^)
<Zelgadis> Uh.. well.. <blushes>
<Filia> (Zel: Since everytime I scrub your back we end up having wild monkey sex?)
<Zelgadis> I guess so....
* Amelia smiles happily. She never did enjoy having to get her back scrubbed by herself.

* Lina finds an interesting-looking tidepool and stops to take a look...
<Lina> Hey, Gourry, check this out!
<Gourry> What is it, Lina?
* Gourry looks at what Lina is looking at.
* Lina points into the tidepool... which is occupied by a very large jellyfish. ^^
<Amelia> Shouldn't you get rid of that shirt, Zelgadiss-san?
* Zelgadis HAS to keep the shirt especially if he's going be scrubbing her back.
<Filia> (STRIP ZEL, STRIP!!)
<Filia> (Zel: I'm...too sexy for my shirt...too sexy for my..)
<Gourry> Wow. Look at the size of that one. It isn't one of the poisonous ones.
<Amelia> You want it to dry sooner, right?
* Lina pauses. "Do you hear voices?"
<Filia> ( do you know that? Gourry: She's a family friend. Lina:....)
<Lina> (*laughs*)
<Filia> (Lina:(to doctor) I keep...hearing these voices...)
<Amelia> And you're going to have to get into the pool to scrub my back...
<Lina> (Lina: (to doctor) They're saying, "oh, Zelgadiss-SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!")
<Gourry> Yup. The sound like its coming from over there. *Points. (Is it just me or is Gourry like a golden retriever at time.)
* Zelgadis walks hesitantly into the pool
* Zelgadis and notices that the shirt is trying to float away....
* Lina listens a moment, but can't make out what's being said.
<Filia> (Zel: Hey, get back here shirt! It's not time for me to strip yet!)
<Lina> Hey, maybe it's those natives the captain mentioned! Maybe they'll know where the treasure is!
<Zelgadis> Where does it need scrubbing?
<Filia> (Amelia:*points* Zel:....THERE?!)
<Amelia> Most of my back needs scrubbing, Zelgadiss-san...
<Zelgadis> And what am I supposed to use to scrub?
<Filia> (Amelia:*hentai thoughts* Weeeellll....)
<Zelgadis> We didn't bring any washcloths...
* Amelia hands Zelgadiss-san the bar of soap.
<Lina> Come on, let's go see!
<Gourry> Okay.
<Amelia> We don't have a wash-cloth. ^_^;
* Lina crashes through the bush towards the sounds with all her usual subtlety.
* Zelgadis thinks about how rough his skin would be to scrub with...
<Filia> (Lina: O.O; IM BLIND!)
<Filia> ( hear that...? Amelia:*smooches Zel* No one's here... Lina:*bursts through, sees...* O.O; I'm bliiiind!)
<Amelia> (Zel was thinking about how rough his skin would be to scrub with.)
* Zelgadis finally loses the battle with the shirt as it comes floating to the surface...
<Gourry> (She hasn't minded it before.)
<Zelgadis> (He was caressing her before, not scrubbing...)
<Gourry> (Exfoliator of Love!!)
<Filia> (Amelia: My, what a big.. Zel: Not now..after wedding...)
* Zelgadis hopes he will be safe as Amelia is not facing him. Uses the shirt to begin scrubbing her back..
* Amelia moans slightly. Zelgadiss-san isn't at all bad at scrubbing somebody's back...
<Lina> Hello! I come in peace! Have you got any pirate treasssss............. *burinku*
<Zelgadis> Ehh?
<Gourry> Hi, guys! *Waves.*
* Zelgadis finally sees Lina...
<Lina> AUGH!
* Lina covers her eyes
* Zelgadis dives under the water!
<Lina> Don't you two have, like, any HOBBIES or anything?!
<Filia> (Lina:.... Gourry: Ohhhh a bath! Can I come in too!)
* Amelia blinks, and turns around.
<Zelgadis> Dammit!@
<Lina> SOMETHING better to do with yourselves?!
<Filia> (Lina: Like...look for treasure for me?)
* Amelia looks like a deer in headlights, and is blushing furiously...
<Zelgadis> We weren't Doing anything!
<Gourry> Obviously not.
* Zelgadis has his mouth just above the water and his hands covering strategic spots.
<Filia> (Amelia: We WEREN'T doing a single thing...just bathing nude together with Zel scrubbing my back with his shirt...)
<Gourry> Sure you weren't. Um. Why don't we leave them alone?*Sweatdrop.
* Zelgadis backs away from Amelia...
<Amelia> Zelgadiss-san was just scrubbing my back for me...
<Lina> Yeah. Good idea.
* Lina blinks... she just said 'good idea' to GOURRY...
<Zelgadis> We fell into a mud puddle! Why doesn't anyone believe me??
<Lina> Right. We believe you, Zel. Let's go, Gourry.
* Zelgadis is blushing terribly..
<Zelgadis> Wait! Where are you going? We were looking for you!
<Gourry> Hm? *Still sweatdropping not looking back.
* Lina keeps her back to them.
<Lina> Looking for us?
* Amelia slowly slips under water...
*Zelgadis's shirt's in his hand now and covering very little.
<Filia> (Amelia:*after awhile, comes back up gasping* ZEL! *goes back under*)
<Zelgadis> Well... we thought we should meet back up, and... uh.... ^^;; Just tell me where we can find you as soon as we dry off. Ok?
<Lina> We'll be on the beach... it's not far.
<Gourry> Um. We usually aren't at place like this.*Add to self.* Naked and... doing stuff.
* Amelia admires what she can see of Zelgadiss-san and waits for it to seem safe to resurface and find out just what Zelgadiss-san said to make life worse...
<Lina> Can I use that spring when you're done with it?
<Zelgadis> *blinks* Uh. Sure.. We're leaving as soon as we get the rest of this mud off...
<Filia> (Zel:...and have some wild monkey sex...)
<Gourry> You do? After they were...?
* Zelgadis is trying really hard to sound innocent.
<Zelgadis> We WEREN'T!!!!!
* Lina sighs. "Look, the water runs out of it... it's a spring, it replenishes itself. Give it a bit and it'll clean out.
<Zelgadis> I mean.. we're washing.....
<Filia> (Everyone else: Suuuureeeee Zel...)
<Gourry> Um. Sure, Zel.
<Lina> Right, Zel.
* Zelgadis blushes and tries to hide further under the water..
<Gourry> Why don't we let them finish?
* Lina grabs Gourry's shirt. "THIS way, Gourry."
* Zelgadis grumbles "Why is it no one ever Believes me???"
<Lina> You two... er... take your time.
<Filia> (Because you two were nude in a hot spring together?)
<Gourry> Okay, Lina.
* Lina walks back to the beach and sits down.
<Filia> (Gourry:*nudges Lina* Can you scrub my back later? Lina:....)
* Gourry and Lina try to go out of ear shot.
<Lina> Geeze, that guy was singing the praises of this island... he never mentioned there were hot springs on it!
* Amelia resurfaces and rests on Zelgadiss-san's chest, arms around his neck, gasping for air...
<Gourry> Which guy, Lina?
<Lina> The captain. Remember?
* Zelgadis eyes pop out of his head and the protest he was about to yell is forgotten.
* Amelia is oblivious to pretty much the entire universe...
<Lina> That looked like a NICE hot spring, too... a little small...
<Gourry> Ohhh... no. Who is he?
<Lina> The captain! Captain Kelsey! The guy who loaned us the boat!
<Gourry> Ohhh... no.
* Lina sighs. "Never mind, then."
* Zelgadis stands in the pool in shock with a naked Amelia pressed up against his naked self.
<Lina> (So much for SOMEBODY'S willpower!)
* Zelgadis is trying to get his brain working well enough to wonder why life is so unfair...
* Zelgadis when he's working so hard to keep control and life does *THIS* to him!!
<Gourry> (Life and Universe: Because we hate you Zel.)
* Lina waits impatiently for them to finish up with the hot spring... and thinking about hot springs starts reminding her of things...
<Lina> *grumbles* "Jerk Rowdy..."
<Gourry> What does my gramps have to do with anything?
* Amelia starts to relax and her brain slowly starts to work again...
* Zelgadis takes a deep breath.
* Zelgadis says to self 'I CAN do this. I CAN keep control! I CAN resist!' 'I hope....'
<Zelgadis> Um Amelia...
<Amelia> Mm?
<Zelgadis> <very stiffly> Would you mind letting go now? They're gone.
* Amelia sounds like somebody who has recently half-drowned.
* Amelia blinks at Zelgadiss-san...
<Gourry> And why are you calling him a jerk? *A little hurt.*
* Zelgadis closes eyes and tries to stop thinking hentai thoughts.
* Lina blinks. "Huh?
* Zelgadis looks like someone who WILL lose control if the princess doesn't let go soon.
<Amelia> Umm...mind if I wait until I regain my sense of balance, Zelgadiss-san?
<Zelgadis> Please Amelia?
* Lina looks at Gourry. "What are you talking about?"
* Zelgadis closes his eyes.
<Gourry> You were calling my Grandpa a jerk!
* Lina looks confused a moment longer, then bites her lip and does some putting of two and two together.
<Zelgadis> Ameliaaaa... <begging>
<Lina> Well, THAT explains a lot...
<Gourry> What explains a lot?
<Amelia> I...I think I can make it out now...
* Amelia lets go and starts staggering towards the edge of the pool...
<Lina> Never mind. *thinks about some of the things she's heard about the results when elves crossbreed with humans*
* Zelgadis listens to the splashing and tries not to imagine the naked girl making the noise.
<Lina> Your ancestors came from Mipross Island, right, Gourry?
* Amelia slips and falls, though, as she hadn't quite regained her balance.
<Gourry> What are you talking about and what does my home island have to do with anything?
* Zelgadis hears the crash and looks to see how Ame's doing
<Gourry> And its a peninsula!!
<Lina> Oh, I met some relatives of yours once.
* Amelia had yet to get out of the pool before she slipped and fell, so you can all probably guess what happened...
<Gourry> You have? Then why bad mouth Gramps?
<Zelgadis> Are you ok? <looks to see if she's still above water>
<Lina> He played a nasty trick on me once.
<Amelia> (No, she isn't. She fell under the water.)
* Zelgadis takes a deep breath and goes to help her...
<Zelgadis> (Oh mean!!!! How much booty will he grab rescuing her?)
<Gourry> Gramps did? But he was the nicest old guy I ever met!
<Zelgadis> Amelia?
<Lina> He got me to do a job for him and he never even paid me!
* Zelgadis reaches under to try and grab hold and help her out.
* Amelia really needed to recover some more from almost drowning...
<Gourry> He did? Why would he do that?
<Lina> It's a LONG story.
* Zelgadis wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer.
<Lina> The point is, he promised... uh... to show me something, but he tricked me. It didn't turn out to be what he said it would.
<Gourry> Okay. *Sits to listen.*
* Zelgadis wonders why Amelia had to go try and drown herself like that.
<Gourry> What was it? What did you want to see?
<Lina> Uh... *sweatdrop and glance down* That's none of your business.
<Gourry> Well maybe I can make it up.
<Gourry> Tell me what it is.
<Lina> Mmm... no, trust me, you can't.
* Zelgadis is trying to find the princess underwater.
<Gourry> Well maybe I could do some sort of substitute. Is there anything you want from me?
* Zelgadis feel something and grabs hold to pull Amelia up...
* Zelgadis realizes that was NOT the place to grab...
* Zelgadis finds her shoulder and pulls Amelia out of the water.
<Gourry> I wouldn't have given you that. But is there anything else you want that I can give you?
* Amelia coughs some, but is otherwise out.
* Lina squirms a bit. "Not really."
* Zelgadis sees that Amelia is out of it and drags her to the edge of the spring.
<Zelgadis> <worried> Amelia! Dammit!
<Gourry> Come on, Lina. I'll give you anything you want. Is there anything I can maybe do to make it up to you?
<Zelgadis> Are you ok?
* Lina is turning rather pink.
* Amelia doesn't respond...
* Zelgadis rolls her on her side and tries to get the water out.
<Lina> If I think of something, I'll let you know, okay?
* Zelgadis pats her back.
<Lina> (*chants* Mouth-to-mouth! Mouth-to-mouth! Mouth-to-mouth!)
* Amelia coughs up some more water, but elsewise doesn't respond.
*Zelgadis hears an imaginary voice screaming mouth to mouth!
<Lina> (C'mon, Zel... you KNOW you want to!)
* Zelgadis pats her back to get the rest of the water out and rolls her back onto her back.
<Gourry> Okay. Cause I want my future wife happy. *Smiles.*
* Amelia is really a bit too pale...
* Lina turns pinker.
* Zelgadis positions his mouth above hers and takes a beep breath.
<Lina> (GO ZEL!)
* Zelgadis thinks 'You've kissed her a dozen times already. Not you need to save her!'
* Zelgadis presses his mouth to Amelia's and breathes into her.
<Gourry> So. When do you want to get married?
<Gourry> (Subtle Gourry. Subtle.)
* Zelgadis didn't forget to pinch her nose.
<Lina> I dunno yet! I told you I needed time to think about it!
* Zelgadis takes a breath and goes to breath it into Amelia again.
* Zelgadis check her for response.
<Gourry> Okay, Lina. Don't I need to do something now that we are engaged? *Scratches head.*
* Amelia moans slightly, and opens her eyes.
<Lina> You need to give me a ring.
* Amelia coughs up a bit more water, but is breathing on her own now.
<Gourry> I do. Okay. What kind?
* Zelgadis hold her so she doesn't fall over while coughing. Helps her get propped on an elbow.
<Lina> Diamond.
<Lina> It's traditional.
* Amelia leans against Zelgadiss-san, her mind working very fuzzily.
<Gourry> It is? *Starts thinking out loud to himself.* Where am I going to get the money? Lina already eats all my cash because I usually have to pay...
<Gourry> And she also gives herself more money than me from any treasure...
<Lina> Well, that's 'cause I do most of the work... and you eat your share too, you know!
<Gourry> But that's because you run in and burn everything to the ground.
<Lina> Well, I'm trying to teach them a lesson!
<Zelgadis> Are you ok?? <worried fiance voice>
<Amelia> Uhhh...
<Gourry> What kind of lesson? They are usually unconscious from pain and injuries to remember anything.
* Amelia looks up at Zelgadiss-san.
<Zelgadis> What happened?
<Amelia> I'm not sure...
* Zelgadis has apparently forgotten about the lack of clothing for the moment.
<Lina> A lesson about what happens to people who prey on helpless travelers, that's what kind.
<Zelgadis> Well you seem to be ok now. Right?
<Amelia> I...I'm not sure...
<Lina> (<Amelia> Wanna find out, Zelgadiss-san? ^_^)
* Amelia wishes things would focus properly, thank you.
<Zelgadis> Do you need anything?
<Lina> (<Amelia> Yes... your delicious stony body!)
<Gourry> But what about the waiters that sometimes get hurt? They are just working.
<Lina> The last one I fireballed tried to short-change me.
<Amelia> A nap'd be nice...
<Lina> Us.
<Lina> You.
<Lina> Whatever. He didn't give correct change.
<Amelia> Mmm...
* Zelgadis checks her eyes.
<Lina> And the rest just can't get out of the way fast enough.
<Gourry> You didn't mind the waiter that gave you back too much change before.
<Lina> That's different.
<Gourry> How is that different?
<Lina> That's HIS problem then, not ours.
<Lina> He's gonna be the one left without enough money.
<Gourry> But you didn't give either a tip either!
<Lina> What's the point of tipping? They've got salaries.
<Gourry> No they don't. Waiters depend on tips. I thought a sister of a waitress would know that.
<Lina> I... uh... don't... talk to my sister much...
<Gourry> Why not?
<Lina> Besides, it's hardly as if we're the only ones who ever eat in restaurants. There are plenty of other people to give them tips.
* Zelgadis notices that she does *not* look quite ok. A head injury..
<Zelgadis> Hold still Amelia.
<Amelia> Okay, Zelgadiss-san...
<Zelgadis> Recovery! <Zel directs the spell at the large bump on Amelia's head, which then fades back>
<Gourry> Hmmm.... I wonder what your sister and family will think of me...
<Lina> Ummm.
* Lina has never thought of that.
<Gourry> Do you think that they will like me?
* Lina thinks about it.
<Zelgadis> Is that better?
* Lina 's dad was a wine merchant... sold the stuff to all these fat high-class idiots who drank too much of it... was always hoping to marry his daughters off to one of his customers...
* Lina looks at Gourry, who isn't rich, fat, or old... all good things with the exception of not rich... but what WILL her parents think?
* Amelia sighs, and carefully stands up.
* Amelia actually is *trying* to stand up. But let's ignore that detail.
<Gourry> What's your family like?
<Zelgadis> How do you.... feel .. now...
* Zelgadis trails off and stares as he recalls that he's naked and she's naked and he's leaning over her on the edge of a hot spring....
<Amelia> Better...
<Lina> Umm... well, I'm from Zephila... I've told you that, right?
* Amelia mutters something under her breath, cursing her currently uncooperative sense of balance...
<Zelgadis> That's good....
<Gourry> Yup and that you have a scary sister.
* Zelgadis forcefully looks somewhere ELSE now.
* Amelia is totally oblivious to her lack of clothes, since sex is really not on her mind right now.
<Amelia> Ummm...could you help me up please, Zelgadiss-san?
* Amelia has a sizable sweatdrop.
<Zelgadis> Oh... Yeah...
<Lina> Right. Well, my parents run a shop that sells wine...
* Zelgadis looks her in the eye as he reaches down and helps her up.
<Lina> (Whatcha reaching for, Zel? ^^)
* Zelgadis decides that her eye being safer than other places to look.
* Amelia smiles happily and uses Zelgadiss-san to keep herself standing up.
<Gourry> So that's why you get so mad when the waiters bring you a crappy one.
* Lina decides her parents had BETTER like Gourry, because they will have no say in the matter.
* Lina just hopes her SISTER likes him!
<Lina> That's right.
<Zelgadis> Are you going to be ok? Why don't you just sit here for a minute?
* Zelgadis points to a large rock.
<Lina> (*snicker*)
<Gourry> What's your mom like? I hear that you should be really nice to your mother-in-law.
<Amelia> Okay, Zelgadiss-san...
<Zelgadis> (IRONY!)
<Lina> (Sorry!)
* Zelgadis takes her arm and helps her to the rock.
<Amelia> Thank you, Zelgadiss-san.
<Lina> Oh, my Mom's okay, I guess... I never got along with her too well... I take after her side of the family...
* Amelia does her best to get comfortable on the rock and falls asleep.
<Lina> (*snickers more*)
<Gourry> And what's that side like?
<Lina> (Amelia comfortable on a rock... *giggle giggle*)
<Zelgadis> (...)
<Gourry> (Hehehhe...)
<Zelgadis> (I've got a screencap of Amelia IN Zel's cannon)
<Lina> My Dad always says 'opinionated' sums it up.
<Gourry> Oh. So if I get along with you I'll get along with your mother. Am I right?
* Lina thinks about how well Gourry gets along with her and decides call it what you want.
<Lina> I guess.
<Gourry> And will your dad approve of me?
* Zelgadis gets back into the spring and somehow manages to wash himself.
<Lina> I... don't know... but he'd better!
<Lina> What about your family? What are they like?
* Amelia is soon sound asleep.
<Gourry> Oh they are very nice. I have a really large one.
* Zelgadis still has a little mud stuck on the pebbles on his back, but is mostly clean.
* Zelgadis checks the clothes to see how they are drying.
<Lina> Really? I've just got my parents and one sister... how many people in your family?
* Zelgadis sees they are still pretty wet...
* Zelgadis steals a glance at the sleeping princess.
<Gourry> 15 kids. (I always hear that he has a large one.)
<Lina> Really?
<Gourry> I'm the 7th.
<Lina> Wow.
* Zelgadis finds himself looking a little longer, thinking how beautiful she is when asleep.
* Lina thinks his parents must've been pretty busy... and finds herself wondering... no, not gonna think that. You're an innocent maiden, remember, Lina?
<Amelia> (Elf: How big is the rock she's on?)
<Lina> (*snigger, snort*)
<Zelgadis> (Big as you want it)
<Lina> (*choke*)
<Zelgadis> (Irony. take a cold shower!)
* Amelia stretches out on the rock, obviously dreaming.
<Lina> So do Gabrievs always have big families? Like, do you have lots of cousins and so forth?
<Lina> (*snicker*)
<Gourry> I have a lot of older sisters. They were really nice.
* Lina pictures older sisters of Gourry... they look like blonde-haired Naghas...
<Gourry> Yup. I have... *thinks* 56 last time I checked but that was years ago.
* Lina makes an interesting face as she imagines six such individuals all laughing at the 'flat-chested little shrimp' their brother brought home...
* Zelgadis continues staring.
<Lina> Fifty-six!
* Zelgadis realizes there in no one there to see him. Why not enjoy the view a bit...
* Lina is thoroughly afraid now... huge families and blonde Naghas... what is she getting herself INTO?
* Zelgadis as long as he doesn't actually *DO* anything...
<Gourry> Yup. I guess I'll have to find out the new total when we invite them all to our wedding.
* Amelia is, as usual, talking in her sleep...
* Lina is thinking her side of the church is gonna be pretty empty.
* Zelgadis causally makes his way closer in the pool, listening and watching.
<Amelia> (It's a good thing Ame's been considering keeping Lina around Saillune, to punish disobedient / disagreeable lords with bankruptcy...)
<Gourry> I might have also tons of second cousins by now.
* Zelgadis pretends he's scrubbing that mud off his back. But can't really reach anyway without his brush.
<Lina> I think I've got... maybe five cousins...
<Amelia> ("Hello. We're stay for a week. You're picking up the tab. Have I introduced you to my good friend, Lina, and her husband?")
<Amelia> (Irony: It was something of an English tradition for a while: the royal family turned up on your doorstep and drove you broke with the honor of supporting them.)
* Lina starts thinking about guest lists...
* Zelgadis wishes he had his grill cleaner wire brush with him...
<Lina> (*snickers* A friend of mine has a joke about that...)
<Lina> (Anime dream: you own a restaurant. One Thursday night, Lina Inverse, Gourry Gabriev, and Miaka Yuuki walk in.)
<Lina> (Anime nightmare: You realize Thursday is All You Can Eat Night.)
<Gourry> (Then you don't have a restaurant.)
<Lina> So besides your... whole... family... anybody else in particular you want to invite?
* Amelia giggles softly.
<Lina> (<Amelia> C'mere, boulder boy...)
<Amelia> Ooo...he's so cute!
* Zelgadis seems to be making up for not looking at Amelia while she was awake by looking at her more now...
* Zelgadis and gets closer listening trying to figure out the dream.
<Lina> (Naughty Zel, looking at a girl's body while she's sleeping!)
<Amelia> I think he has your eyes, Zelgadiss...
* Zelgadis stops
* Zelgadis is getting VERY nervous at the thought of Amelia, and her dreams and having children....
* Zelgadis knows that they really want to have kids to the advisors won't try to get Amelia another consort....
* Zelgadis wonders again if they can even have kids...
* Zelgadis wonders IF they can have kids, if they too will be cursed like himself..
<Amelia> What do you want to name him, Zelgadiss?
* Amelia giggles.
<Amelia> Zelgadiss!
<Gourry> don't think I know anyone else besides them...*Can't remember anyone else, at least.*
<Amelia> It'd be unjust not to let you have a say in naming our son!
<Lina> I was... um... thinking of having Amelia, Filia, and Sylphiel for bridesmaids.
* Zelgadis wonders what the baby in Amelia's dream looks like...
<Lina> We'll probably have to invite Marchina and Zangulus or they'll never let us hear the end of it...
<Gourry> (Are they going to name it Pebbles?)
<Amelia> (<Lina> Well, Sylphiel at least. Amelia and Filia are likely best described as matrons...)
<Lina> And I've sort of got somebody in mind for the maid of honour...
<Gourry> Who are Marchina and Zangulus?
* Lina smacks forehead.
<Lina> The King and Queen of New Xoana... you remember them.
<Gourry> Who do you want as your maid of honor?
<Lina> Zangulus was the guy who always wanted to swordfight you.
<Gourry> Um... No.
<Gourry> Swordfight? Why did he want to fight me?
<Lina> Because he wanted to know if his magic sword was more powerful than the sword of light.
<Lina> And Marchina wanted to marry you, until you asked if a fiance was a pickle.
<Gourry> What is a fiance? Noone has still told me.
<Lina> A fiance is somebody you're going to marry.
<Gourry> But I'm going to marry you.
* Lina notes cynically that having Nagha for a maid of honour will be worth it just to see her in an actual dress.
<Lina> Right. You're my fiance.
<Amelia> Zelgadiss, that's not a bad name...
<Gourry> I am? Well. If you say so.
<Lina> And I'm your fiancee.
<Gourry> So who's your maid of honor going to be?
* Lina looks over her shoulder. "HEY! What's TAKING so long back there?"
<Lina> Oh... an old friend of mine.
* Amelia blinks, waking up.
<Amelia> Zelgadiss-san?
* Zelgadis looks away REAL quickly.
* Zelgadis hopes Amelia didn't see him staring.
<Lina> I wonder what happened to her... last time I saw her, the Hot Spring Lover's Association had hired her to be their spa reviewer.
<Lina> (Nagha's ultimate dream come true: getting PAID to visit hot spring resorts.)
* Amelia has noticed that Zelgadiss-san was staring at her...and got a very good view of him.
<Zelgadis> Yes, Amelia?
<Amelia> Wasn't that Lina-san shouting?
<Gourry> Do I know her?
<Zelgadis> I don't know. We should go find out.
<Lina> No, I don't think you do.
<Zelgadis> The clothes are almost dry.
<Gourry> What's her name?
<Lina> Who do you want to be the best man?
<Amelia> Oh good...
<Lina> Oh. Well, she calls herself Nagha. Nagha the Serpent.
* Zelgadis carefully gets another shirt and pants that are half dry..
<Lina> I'm not sure that's her real name.
<Gourry> Is she a dragon or something?
<Lina> That is a distinct possibility.
* Zelgadis dresses quickly trying not to show too much, but not bothering to hide this time.
* Amelia smiles happily at the view...
<Gourry> What else do we need for a wedding?
<Lina> We need a best man... but that's up to you to choose.
<Lina> And we need a flower girl... and a ring bearer.
* Amelia gets off the rock and puts on a camisole and pulls on her driest pair of shorts...
<Gourry> Who should I choose for my best man?
<Lina> It's supposed to be your best friend.
<Gourry> But aren't you my best friend?
<Lina> Your best GUY friend.
<Gourry> Who? Like Zel or something?
<Lina> Sure!
<Zelgadis> Lets leave the rest of this here to finish drying, and go to the beach.
* Amelia has ended up in rather skimpy clothing, as it's a midriff-length camisole and the shorts are as short as you can get...
<Amelia> Okay, Zelgadiss-san!
* Zelgadis pauses..
* Lina starts repeating all this back to herself so she won't forget it.
<Zelgadis> But lets hid what little food we have left first.
<Amelia> Why not eat it?
<Lina> Okay... Nagha as maid of honour...
* Zelgadis takes the apples.
<Zelgadis> Pk. Lets go then.
* Zelgadis approaches the beach.
<Lina> Filia and Sylphiel as bridesmaids... Amelia will probably be married first...
* Amelia follows Zelgadiss-san onto the beach.
<Lina> Have to find a third bridesmaid, then.
<Zelgadis> <whispers> they sound serious. What do you think they're talking about?
<Lina> Zelgadiss as the best man.
<Amelia> ::whispering:: I...think they're planning a wedding...
<Lina> I guess we could find some of your cousins or something to be the ring bearer and flower girl, right?
<Gourry> Okay. I always have enough cousins,.
<Lina> I'll bet Phil will insist on performing the ceremony...
<Lina> Who else do we know who could be a bridesmaid... and do you wanna invite Leon?
* Amelia wonders whose wedding it is...
<Gourry> Oh of course Leon.
<Zelgadis> <whispers> ... whose wedding??
<Amelia> ...not ours...
<Gourry> *Turns around.* Did you hear a sound, Lina?
* Zelgadis freezes.
<Lina> Xelloss will probably insist on coming... mmm?
* Lina turns, too.
* Amelia looks at Lina-san and Gourry-san curiously from beside Zelgadiss-san.
* Lina 's mouth drops open.
<Gourry> Hi guys. *Waves.*
<Zelgadis> Hi.
<Lina> Uh... yeah, hi!
<Amelia> Hello, Lina-san, Gourry-san...
* Lina looks very nervous, wondering how much they overheard...
<Zelgadis> So now what are we discussing?
<Lina> Nothing.
<Amelia> didn't sound like that...
* Zelgadis looks a little smug to, for once, not be the one caught red handed.
<Gourry> What were we discussing Lina?
<Lina> Nothing.
* Lina reaches out and quickly scrubs out where she'd made some notes by writing in the sand.
<Zelgadis> If someone wants me to be a best man, they'll have to inform me of the wedding sooner or later...
<Lina> So you guys are done with the hot spring?
<Zelgadis> Maybe..
<Gourry> So you want to use the hot spring first?
<Zelgadis> You guys could always go together.
<Zelgadis> <teasing> It's awful hard to wash your back by yourself...
<Gourry> Why would we go together? Lina doesn't have her bathing suit.
<Zelgadis> You know you CAN help each other wash and not do anything else.
<Gourry> But I don't have a bathing suit for Lina?
<Zelgadis> Why would you need that? Anyway, why are you changing the topic. Whose wedding were you discussing?
<Lina> Nothing! Nobody!
* Lina grabs Gourry's arm.
<Lina> Come on, let's go to the spring!
<Gourry> Where are we going? You can't bath with me there.
<Lina> You can close your eyes.
<Zelgadis> Come now Lina. You don't think you can fool me like that.
<Lina> Fool you?
* Lina tries to look innocent.
<Zelgadis> I'd like an answer.
* Amelia warily watching Lina-san...
<Lina> An answer?
<Zelgadis> You were planning a wedding. Whose?
<Lina> No, we weren't.
* Amelia wants her fiance to be in a condition to marry when they get back on the mainland...
<Gourry> But won't I walk into trees if my eyes are closed?
<Zelgadis> Then what WERE you talking about.
<Lina> Ssssh.
<Lina> I was pretending.
<Gourry> Then again Xellos can do that trick...
<Lina> I was thinking if I DO ever get married... which I probably won't...
<Zelgadis> Oh. I see.. Well, have a nice bath.
<Lina> Come on, Gourry, let's GO.
<Gourry> Go where?
<Lina> The hot spring.
<Gourry> But you'll be... naked.
<Lina> So you just don't look.
<Zelgadis> Oh, do be careful.
<Lina> Careful?
<Zelgadis> There are some slippery rocks.
<Zelgadis> Amelia managed to bump her head pretty good.
<Gourry> Wait a second. Why won't you plan a wedding? Who else would do it?
<Lina> Thanks for the warning... come ON, Gourry.
<Zelgadis> smirks thinking 'that looks familiar! Like when Ame dragged me to HER room!'
<Gourry> Wait a second. Why won't you plan your wedding? I can't do it by myself!
<Lina> We're leaving now, Gourry.
* Lina pulls harder.
<Zelgadis> Gee Lina... You seem awful impatient..
<Lina> Well, I want a bath!
<Zelgadis> (Lina: and a nekkid Gourry!!)
<Lina> Gourry, are you coming or not?
* Amelia decides that it's safe to go lie down on the beach and go back to sleep...and does so.
<Zelgadis> Oh, I see....
<Gourry> But Lina. I can't see you while you get naked and I'll walking into trees if my eyes are closed!
* Zelgadis has about the same expression of disbelief they both had after Zel said "We weren't DOING anything!"
<Lina> So you sit down and close your eyes, and THEN I'll undress, okay? IF you don't walk around, you won't walk into anything!
<Gourry> Okay that makes sense.
<Zelgadis> We left a nice wet shirt there.
<Lina> Uh... okay.
<Zelgadis> You could use it for a blindfold.
<Gourry> But then why do you want me there?
* Lina decides she doesn't want to know what Z & A were using the shirt for...
<Lina> Because we were in the middle of a conversation.
<Amelia> (Washcloth, Lina. Only as a washcloth.)
<Zelgadis> (and loincloth!)
<Gourry> About what?
<Lina> Um... stuff.
<Lina> You were telling me about your big sisters, remember?
<Lina> And your 56 cousins.
<Zelgadis> Lina why are you so secretive all of the sudden?
<Lina> I'm not!
<Zelgadis> You seem awful antsy, about something...
<Gourry> *Brightens.* Oh you want to hear about my sisters!! Well they are very nice. There's Susan and...
<Lina> I'm dirty and I want a bath! Why shouldn't I be antsy!
<Lina> Tell me about it at the spring, Gourry.
<Zelgadis> Uh huh. And I told you I was only washing Amelia's back too.
<Lina> We believe you! Right, Gourry?
<Gourry> Believe what?
* Amelia heading back toward dream-land...
<Lina> He was only washing Amelia's back.
<Lina> We believe that. ^^
<Lina> Let's go.
<Gourry> Let's go where?
<Lina> The SPRING!
<Lina> So I can have a bath and you can sit with your eyes shut and tell me about your sisters.
<Gourry> You mean the one Zel and Amelia were naked and-
* Lina attempts to drag Gourry towards the spring
<Zelgadis> naked and WASHING in!!!
<Lina> Yes, that one!
<Lina> Yes, yes, washing.
<Gourry> Then why were you both naked?
<Zelgadis> Because we were both muddy!
<Amelia> And we wanted to get unmuddy as soon as possible!
<Gourry> Then why couldn't you take turns?
<Zelgadis> We fell into a puddle. And we could only find ONE pool.
<Lina> Gourry, are you coming or not?
<Gourry> Coming where?
<Lina> ARGH!
<Gourry> Oh. The spring. Okay. If you say so Lina. Bye Lina.
<Lina> Bye, Lina?
<Zelgadis> Just go Gourry. I don't want my questions to get in the way of your fun. I can ask later.
<Gourry> Bye Zel. Bye Amelia.
<Lina> What FUN?
<Zelgadis> Have FUn!
<Gourry> Wait! What fun?
<Lina> I'm going to WASH!
<Zelgadis> SUuuuree....
<Gourry> Then why am I coming?
<Lina> *through teeth* To tell me about your sisters and cousins, remember?
<Zelgadis> Gourry doesn't look very muddy to me. If you're not doing anything he could stay here and answer questions...
<Gourry> What kind of questions?
* Lina gives up... not as if Zel will learn anything from Gourry anyway.
<Lina> FINE!
* Amelia sounds like she's having a very interesting dream...
* Lina stomps off into the woods.
<Zelgadis> I just wanted to know if I could help with your plans.
<Gourry> What plans are you talking about?
<Zelgadis> It sounded like you needed help planning a wedding. Do you want help?
<Zelgadis> We can plan together. I need to plan a wedding too.
* Lina mutters unspeakable things about assorted Gabrievs.
<Zelgadis> Sooo... Whose wedding are you planning anyway?
<Gourry> Who's getting married?
* Zelgadis tries not to look annoyed.
<Zelgadis> Amelia and I are getting married for one...
<Gourry> How's your plans coming?
<Lina> Rowdy... old geezer takes advantage of innocent girls... Melliroon... little elf valley-girl, 'oh, I love you, Rowdy!'... Gourry... makes jellyfish look SMART!
<Zelgadis> They're coming.. I think.. <looks a little nervous>
* Lina takes her clothes off and gets into the spring.
<Zelgadis> But you were talking about a different wedding.
<Zelgadis> (Gourry! Run look, she's naked!)
<Gourry> I was? *Scratches head.*
* Lina feels a little better... mmm, hot spring... Nagha would probably give this one a two... too small to swim in. But just right to soak!
<Zelgadis> Come-on Gourry. Someone said I'd be the best man! You've got to tell me about the wedding before I can help with it!
<Gourry> Well of course you're the best man. You are my best male friend.
<Zelgadis> Whose best man?
<Gourry> My best man? *Confused and trying to please.*
<Zelgadis> Yours????
<Zelgadis> You're getting married?
* Lina thinks about assorted wedding things... churches and dresses and flowers... if she's getting married, she wants it to be PERFECT...
* Zelgadis had a pretty good clue, but it's still a surprise to hear it.
<Gourry> Well soon or later.
* Amelia is starting to speak a bit loudly in her sleep...and is apparently having a hentai dream.
<Lina> (<Amelia> Ohhhh, Zelgadiss-SAN!)
<Zelgadis> To Lina? And she agreed?
<Gourry> Agreed to what?
<Zelgadis> To marry you?
<Amelia> Oooo...Zelgadiss-san...
<Lina> (*snickers*)
* Zelgadis purples hearing Amelia...
* Amelia whimpers slightly, and rolls onto her back, still sound asleep...
<Gourry> *looks at Amelia.* What did she just say?
* Zelgadis debates between pressing Gourry for one more answer and waking Amelia...
* Zelgadis needs to wake Amelia.
<Zelgadis> Nothing.
* Zelgadis goes to Amelia.
* Amelia says something a bit too detailed about their sex life.
<Zelgadis> Amelia.. wake up. You're dreaming.
<Zelgadis> Wake up! <begs>
<Amelia> (<Amelia> What? Why? I'm enjoying this dream!)
<Lina> (*choke*)
* Zelgadis shakes her gently but firmly.
* Amelia moans slightly, but stays asleep.
* Zelgadis looks really annoyed...
<Zelgadis> Dammit. Amelia! Not yet.
<Lina> (<Amelia> Oooh, Zelgadiss-san... when you get a hard-on, you get a *hard*-on...)
<Gourry> What aren't you going to do yet?
<Zelgadis> Anything.
<Zelgadis> That's why we weren't doing anything at the pool.
<Zelgadis> Amelia. Please wake up. Don't you want to find out who is getting married?
* Amelia says something complementary about how Zel's acting in her dream.
<Gourry> Aren't you getting married?
<Zelgadis> Yes Gourry.
<Gourry> BTW Congratulations Zel.
<Zelgadis> Oh thanks Gourry.
* Zelgadis looks a little frazzled still at the thought of getting married.
<Gourry> Wait for what? What are you doing?
<Zelgadis> Right now I'm trying to wake Amelia up...
<Zelgadis> But if you want... Look, maybe we can just go talk over there and let her sleep...
* Zelgadis points down the beach.
<Gourry> Okay.
* Amelia manages to get an arm over Zelgadiss-san's neck, while muttering something particularly interesting.
<Zelgadis> Sounds like you're in a similar spot to me...
<Gourry> I am? What kind of spot?
<Zelgadis> Eeerr... Just a second...
<Amelia> (Seems like the dream Zel's not too bad in bed.)
<Zelgadis> Amelia. Later. Please! later.
<Gourry> (Is he in life?)
<Zelgadis> (I'd guess the dream Zel is based off life now!)
* Zelgadis frees himself from the arm and heads down the beach.
<Gourry> *follows.* What kind of spot am I in?
<Zelgadis> Never mind the spot...
<Zelgadis> You said you were going to marry Lina?
<Gourry> Is it on my shirt?... I did?
<Zelgadis> Did she actually agree? Did she say she'd marry you?
<Zelgadis> Did you ASK her? (wonders why Gourry's not toast)
<Gourry> Yes.*Confused by so many questions.*
<Zelgadis> Really? Congratulations!
<Zelgadis> When did you ask Lina to marry you?
<Gourry> Oh. The other day when I got angry at you for being mean to me.
<Zelgadis> I meant to say I'm sorry about that...
<Gourry> Well that's okay. I forgive you. *Pats Zel on his back.*
<Zelgadis> Uh, thanks...
<Zelgadis> So Lina actually said Yes?
<Gourry> Yes. Sooner or later.
<Zelgadis> And she didn't fireball you?
<Gourry> Well she couldn't at the time.
<Zelgadis> <sweatdrop> Good point.
<Zelgadis> And you want me to be the best man?
*Zelgadis is realizing he needs a best man too....
<Gourry> Well Lina said that you should chose your best male friend so I guess so.
*Zelgadis notices the compliment but isn't sure just how to respond...
<Zelgadis> Do you think you could be my best man too?
<Gourry> Well if you want me to.
<Zelgadis> Thanks...
*Zelgadis is getting a little weirded out by the whole situation...
*Zelgadis wonders just WHAT is in the air?
<Zelgadis> Well I'd better go check on Amelia..
<Gourry> She got a pretty bad bump to the head in that pool. I think she's still tired.
<Gourry> Okay. I'll wait for Lina here.
<Zelgadis> Come to think of it... Someone should probably check on Lina.
<Gourry> Why should I check on her?
<Zelgadis> You wouldn't want her to slip and get hurt and have no one there to check on her. Maybe you should wait near the pool, so if she calls out you'll hear.
<Zelgadis> There are some slick rock. Amelia nearly drowned herself when she fell!
<Gourry> *Gets worried.* Maybe you're right. *Goes off yelling "Hey Lina! Are you okay!?!"*
