
A Slayers Fanfic by Majo-chan

Author’s note: Hiya! It’s been awhile since I did a short…hmm, Slayers Inversed is taking up all my time, wah! Anyway, all disclaimers apply, and if you haven’t guessed from the title, this is mainly about the two princesses Amelia and Naga. Well, actually, we’re not sure about Naga, but it’s rumored that she’s the First Princess of Sailloon. So I’m writing it on those two. So there!


" Princess Amelia-"

" Leave me alone!" She muttered, hiding her face in the pillows on her bed. If she burrowed deep enough, maybe they won’t see the tears on her face. Maybe they’ll even leave her alone for awhile.

" Amelia, that is not how a princess should act."

" Amelia, there are papers to sign."

" Amelia-chan, you’re my Heir, the next Queen of Sailloon. Remember to uphold justice, always."

What was Justice? Was it just that her mother got murdered? Was it just that her sister ran away to escape her responsibilities? Was it just that she had to live up to all these expectations?


It was so embarrassing the first few times, wearing this skimpy black leather outfit. But she did it. It was the only way to remember her mother, Cepheed bless her. It was the only thing left that did not have her blood all over it.

She had changed. Maybe it was the guilt. She should have done something. She shouldn’t have ran away. But she had seen the blood all over the room. She had seen the mangled body of her mother. The fear, the horrible realization that she was the one that they had wanted…that made her fled. That drove her insane, for a little while. What kind of person was she anyways? But she knew, she had to change or die. And she was too young to die, too stubborn, too willful, too vain. She survived, but she didn’t like what she changed into, this Naga the White Serpent. This woman who had no morals, is cheap and shallow, and drinks to escape her problems. Yes, this is who she had become.


Daddy, I’m leaving on an adventure…she hesitated, then added, for justice.

Is that good enough? Is it ever good enough?

She understood why Gracia had decided to run.


Lina was giving her that look again.

" What?" She slurred. How she hated that look. It was as if Lina was blaming her for something.

" You’re a lush, Naga. You know that?" Naga reached for the bottle again and Lina frowned. "That’s enough for tonight." The sorceress retorted.

The wine tasted bitter in her mouth and burned her throat on its way down. It was awful, but it fuzzed her up and made the bad things go away. That’s all she ever wanted, chance to escape. Why does the alcohol taste like blood? " No…."

Lina took the bottle away, almost angrily. " I said, that’s enough."

Suddenly she was crying and almost hysterical. Don’t you dare care about me! I don’t want anyone to care about me, no one does anyway. " Give it back! What I do is none of your damn business!"

Lina was taken aback, and Naga used the chance to snatch the bottle back.

" Don’t act like you care…" She growled. " Don’t even pretend. No one gives a damn, so don’t you start being the goody-goody."

Lina gave her a look that was full of shock and hurt. Don’t look like I hurt you, Naga thought. I can only hurt you if you cared about what I think. And you don’t. No one gives a damn. " Naga, I…"

" Get the hell out." Naga screamed. "Get out! I’m sick and tired having you as a partner!"


" Amelia, you’re supposed to be a princess. Act like one, will ya?"

That hurt, she knew Lina didn’t mean for it to, but it hurt. Doesn’t anyone think about how she might not want to be a princess, that she just wants to be normal sometimes? But no one thought about how she feels, they only think of themselves.

" Well, since she’s the princess of Sailloon, we should use that to our full advantage!" Lina said, shaking her fist.

How does it feel to be used?

Staring at the old, scratched up walls of her room, she took out the Royal Crest of Sailloon. She stared at it now, instead of at the wall. It was made of gold and inlaid with precious jewels and she found herself thinking about how much she could sell it for. What did she need it for anyway? The only reason she went on this trip was to escape her position as the Heir to the Throne of Sailloon, no matter how impossible that was.

Escape…like Gracia?

Amelia shook her head. She wouldn’t run away. It’s not fair…to her father, to her people, to her kingdom. She had responsibilities to uphold and justice to spread… Yes, justice. A sad little smile tugged at the edge of her lips. She still believed in justice, just not in the same way as before. Justice can’t make everything in the world right…She could only start a little at a time. Like with herself.

Amelia stood up, determination on her face. " I’ll start with me." She said, holding up a fist. " I’ll start by being strong and understanding, and grown up and useful." They didn’t mean it, the hurtful words they said. To blame them for something they didn’t mean is…unjust.

Amelia smiled.


Almost regretfully, she looked back at the town. Lina is probably still in dreamland, surrounded by food…

Naga shook her head. It was best this way, for both of them. Lina was destined for great things, but she had no desire to get mixed in any more of her adventures. Turning away, the tall sorceress started on the long road ahead of her.

Why did she leave? Is she running away again? This time, she knew it wasn’t something that petty, that selfish. Lina cared, under her volatile temper and scathing comments, she cared a lot about her partner. Naga smiled a little. And she cared about Lina too. That’s why she was leaving. Staying would just mean a continued deterioration of their relationship, Lina hesitantly offering friendship and Naga pushing her away.

No, I’d rather leave now. She decided. Lina will understand. She will know that I didn’t leave because I hate her.

Chuckling, she threw the bottle of wine over her shoulder. She could hear it hit the packed ground, then shatter. Moist wine over the dry road, wetting the parched land…

Lina will see that, and maybe she’ll even understand…

" Thanks." Naga whispered as she walked on.
