
A Slayers Fanfic by Majo-chan

Author's note: Nothing really. I just remembered I put absolutely no disclaimers in any of my fics! Oops...All slayers characters belong to their original creators. I have no money even if you sued me.

" Mama, why are we hiding?"

" Hush, Filia."

" Why, mama?"

" Because it's dangerous outside, baby."

" Why?"

" There is a war going on."

" What is war?"

" War is when people fight and kill, often for no good reason."

" Why do people do it then, mama?"

" It's a long story, Filia. I'll it to you sometime later. It has to do with chaos and balance."

" Chaos and balance?"

" Shh..."

" Mama! Mama! Look!"

Filia smiled as Valtierra ran to her, waving a sheet of paper in her direction.

" What's this, Val?"

" It's a picture!"

" I can see that! My, that's a lot of yellow!"

The little kid laughed. " That's your hair, Mama."

" So it is. Hmmm...and there's my tail and my pink dress and tea set."

He pointed eagerly at the picture. " and your mace, mama! I put you mace in there too! My teacher said it looks just like you!"

The Golden Dragon chuckled. Just like her, huh? " yes, it does. And is that you over there by me?" Valtierra nodded vigorously.

" Yeah! We're having tea."

" It's a very nice picture, Val. I like it a lot. You want to put it up?"

" Yeah!" The little Ancient Dragon ran off to grab the glue. Filia smiled as she read the caption at the bottom of the page, in scribbled, childish writing.

I love you, Mother.

" Mama?"

" Yes, Filia?"

" Is it safe now?"

" Not yet."

" Why are we in a war?"

" The world must be in balance, Filia. Wars happen when the world isn't balanced."

" Why?"

" Because our creator made us that way. When the world isn't balanced, there is a war to balance it out. If that doesn't work, then the world is doomed."

" Oh."

" You'll understand when you're older."

" All right, mama."

" Remember always, Filia, I love you."

" I want a story!"

" I already read you one." Filia protested. Valtierra bounced in his bed. He had more energy in him than Lina's whole gang.

" I don't like the book stories! Tell me one you know!"

" But I don't know any good stories."

" Yes you do! Grabos told me you traveled all over the world!" Valtierra put on his best appealing look. " Please???"

Filia sighed. " Okay. But only one story, okay? I don't want you falling asleep at school tomorrow."

" Yes, mama."

Teasingly, she ruffled his hair. " You're a big boy now, Val. Why are you still calling me mama?"

" What else can I call you, mama?"

" I don't know. You can call me Mom. Or Mother. I like that."

" Mother?" Val wrinkled his nose. " That sounds so snobbish."

" I take it, then, that you insist on calling me mama?"

" Yup! Where's my story?"

" Mama?"


" Mama? Where are you?"

Silence again.

" Mama, I'm scared."

More silence.

" Mama...where are you..."


" Mama, I don't want to hide anymore..."

" Who's there?!"

" What is it?"

" I thought I heard a voice."

" A voice?"

" Mama?"

" Who-look! There's a kid in here!"

" Mama?"

" Chief-elder!"

" Hello, child."

" Do you know where my mama is?"

" Child, how long have you been here?"

" I don't know. Mama told me to not leave."

" The aura in here is strong. He's been here."

" I see."

" Do you know where my mama went?"

" I'm afraid your mother is no longer with us, child."

" What? Why?"

" Come on out. We'll take care of you now."

" Where did my mama go?"

" To Heaven, child. To a better place. What is your name?"

" Filia. Filia Ul Copt."

Filia gently smoothed the covers. Valtierra was fast asleep. She had chosen to tell him about her travels with Lina, that one story of the Anti-dragon town.

She sighed. The journey had seemed so simple, the task easy. Who would have thought that so much pain and heartbreak would take place? She had thought she killed Valgarv, doomed him to death. But fate worked out in the end. Now she had the chance to make up for her race's crimes and to give him something that only she could give. Something that she had gotten a hint of with her own mother, but never had a chance to experience fully. Briefly, she wondered how she could have turned out had her mother survived. All those doctrines, all that dogma that was pounded into her...that might have never happened. Her mother was one of the few servants of Light that understood the workings of Chaos. And her mother paid for it.

What is a mother?

Someone who cares, someone who is always there.

What is a mother?

Someone to tell your secrets and to share your joys.

What is a mother?

The giver. The one who provides love. Unconditional love.

And now it's her influence Val, to help him, to watch him grow.

And to love him with all her might.

Give him a normal life...


End author's note: That got a little sentimental...I think this is also a tribute to my own mother, who taught me a lot about strength and responsibility. I doubt she'll ever read this, but I can honestly say she taught me all I know about life.
