The Halloween Party

A Slayers Fanfic by Majo-chan


Dear Lina,

How have you been? I am just writing to inform you that a Halloween Party will be held next week. Dress up and bring a friend along! I’ll pick everyone up at Filia’s Pottery Shop, and I hope to see you there!


p.s. Did I mention there’s going to be lots of yummy food?


" He’s late!" Lina growled. " Where the heck is he?"

" What are you so pissed off about? He made MY shop the meeting place! The nerve of that Namagomi…" Filia was similarly irritated, which made her scary enough without any costume. Val cringed a little as she began to glow with the golden light of Extreme Irritation.

" Ano, I’m sure he’ll be here any minute…who’s Xelloss again?" Gourry asked blankly. Lina resisted the urge to smack him to an unknown world, but failed.

" ARGH! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THIS, JELLYFISH!" She choked him and shook him back and forth a few times to make her point. " Xelloss! The Trickster Priest!"

" Red hair?"

" NO!"

" Lina-san, he looks like he’s going to pass out…" Amelia sweatdropped as Lina continued to shake the Dumb Swordsman in the Jellyfish costume. She was dressed as the Justice Fairy this Halloween, clad in white lace with a pair of dainty wings with the word Justice written across them. Zelgadis merely rolled his eyes.

" How did I ever get talked into this?" He muttered. The Chimera made no attempt to wear a costume. After all, his stone skin should be enough to make anyone scream with terror.

" I know!" Filia’s aura of Irritation dissipated as a lightbulb went on over her head. " I’ll just have a party too! I don’t want to go to some Mazoku’s party!"

" Yeah! If anything, he’s probably planning to dump us in some Haunted House and make us fight demons and ghosts and…" Lina dropped Gourry in favor of listing off all the terrible things Xelloss could do to them, which is usually a Bad Thing when dealing with a certain Annoying Mazoku.

The aforementioned Annoying Mazoku phased into view with a cute little frown on his face. " Drat, Lina-san. I was planning all those Evil Things, but I have orders to Be Nice. So I guess we’re all really going to the party."

" NO WAY, NAMAGOMI!" Filia screeched, regaining her aura of Irritation, which was really flaming by now.

" Sorry, Fi-chan. We all have to go."

And with that, the Annoying Namagomi Mazoku-

What do you mean, Namagomi?

-I meant, the Annoying Cute Mazoku teleported our Surprised Main Characters to where the party was taking place.


" That is such a COOL costume!"

Lina recoiled from a woman who was completely green. " Uh, thanks…"

" You’re dressed as Lina Inverse, right? Wow, how’d you manage to get her figure so perfect? Unless you’re a guy…"


Xelloss sweatdropped as he Surveyed the Scene. And what a Scene it was. Lina the Human Hurricane had just finished the buffet, with help from the Jellyfish and the Justice Fairy, of course. Zelgadis was being himself, which included the sole occupation of sitting at a table Alone and drinking Coffee. He thought it would be a Bad Idea to tell the Main Characters that all the people here were Mazoku and it really was a party to celebrate Halloween, or all Hallow’s Eve, when all the spirits come out. Needless to say, things were bound to get Interesting.

" Xel-chan?"

He turned around to see his Master wearing her usual Skimpy Dress and smoking her Expensive Cigarette. " Uh, Xellas-sama, I thought you were going to dress up."

The Beastmaster blinked. " I am dressed up."

" Oh…right."

" What about you?" She asked, giving him a Look.

" Hm. I’ll change once I go wreck some havoc. Where’s everybody?"

The All Powerful Greater Beast snorted, " Oh, don’t bother looking. Everyone’s got stupid costumes this year. It’s utterly and totally completely embarrassing how the Demon Lords can’t even come up with a decent costume."

" Ah, I see."

" Tell me when you get to Spiking the Punch, okay?"

Xelloss raised an eyebrow. " We’re having Blood this year, aren’t we?"

She shook her head. " The weather’s not right for it. They made fruit punch." She made a Face. " Yuck. Give me alcohol anytime."

" Yes, Xellas-sama."


Zelgadis sipped his coffee in silence. He hated parties. With a Passion. In fact, he believed that he was honestly and truly allergic to Social Gatherings. He couldn’t find Lina and Company in the crowd, so he gave up looking. The atmosphere was stifling and he wished he was Someplace Else, preferably far away.

" Hello, Zelgadis-san?" A waitress in an indecently short skirt was setting down cups at his table. " These are for you." She said in a husky voice.

" I didn’t order anything." He told her. " And I don’t drink-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He yelled as she snuggled into his arms and giggled.

" You don’t recognize me, Zelgadis-san?" ‘she’ purred. He didn’t recognize the voice, no. But the way the Strange Woman said it…


And the Craziness starts.


" Ah, this punch is really good." Lina sighed happily as she drank the Spiked Punch, spiked by the discreetly Annoying Mazoku. Of course, she had No Idea that it was Spiked, so she didn’t know she was getting Tipsy.

" Wats tat?" Amelia slurred, pointing generally in the direction of the screaming. Zelgadis tore past them with a busty waitress not far behind. Amelia blinked. " Zergaadiss-saaan?"

" Wait for me, Zelgadis!" The waitress giggled and Amelia and Lina both Fell Down, Hit their Heads, Got Up and Gaped.

" XELLOSS?!" They both yelled.

" Where’s that Namagomi!?"

The Dragon Maiden, also known as the Wielder of Mace-Sama was flushed with anger and Spiked Punch. Val wisely decided to hide for awhile.

" NAMAGOMI!" She shrieked as Xelloss decided to give up his chase for the Terrified Chimera and try his luck on the Golden Dragon instead. Filia whipped out her mace and slammed it into the Annoying Mazoku’s head. But to her Dismay, the Annoying Mazoku seemed to Enjoy it Way Too Much. So she settled for throttling him and calling him names which were making his blood pressure rise.

Do Mazoku have blood pressure? Ah, that’s another discussion for another time…

And so we have an Intoxicated Sorceress and Justice Fairy, a Jellyfish Dumb Swordsman who wouldn’t have been coherent even when he is sober, a Chimera who was glad to have escaped, and a Majorly Irritated Dragon who was throttling the Annoying Mazoku who got them in this mess in the First Place. Oh, don’t forget the various Mazoku, Mazoku Lords and who knows whats that are milling around.

And so there was a Big Boom and an Evil Spirit was Summoned by the Craziness. To make an Already too Long Story Short, the Evil Spirit was slightly Scared by the aforementioned Craziness that was going on. But it made the Mistake of trying to crash the Party. Of course, the Intoxicated Sorceress and her Servants-


-er, her followers?


-Fine! Her esteemed friends! Happy?


So it made a big Boo Boo. The Sorceress and Friends Kicked It’s Butt and sent it running back to wherever it came from. And so people ended up in beds together to sleep off the Spiked Punch, but Nothing Bad happened because this isn’t a Lemon fic. Yet. Anyway, all’s well that ends well. The Sorceress, the Dragon, and the Chimera all got to beat up the Annoying Mazoku the Next Day, but the Dragon was first because…well, that is a Secret.

The end, Finally!