The Blanket Scenario

A Slayers fanfic by Majo-chan

Author’s note: Hiya! A short explanation of what the so-called Blanket Scenario is. It’s usually a short fanfic involving two characters that are stuck in a cabin in a snowstorm (or blizzard, no one’s picky) and there is only one blanket. I got this idea from Chelsea’s Page, where she hosts Blanket Scenarios for Rurouni Kenshin characters. I think Miss Nightfall has also written a few scenarios for Slayers. All disclaimers apply, no part of Slayers belong to me. Also, this is NOT a lemon. NO!

The Blanket Scenario

" What the hell is with this storm?!" Filia growled as they plowed through the snow. " At this rate we’re going to end up as Popsicles!"

Xelloss smiled.

" Say something!"

Xelloss grinned. " look at that sign." He said, pointing to a sign. Filia blinked, then turned to look.

" Drafty shack for Blanket Scenarios…1/2 miles." She read, sweatdropping. " What???"

" I guess that means we’re close to some form of shelter." Xelloss mused…smiling. Filia gave him an irritated look.

" Stop smiling!"

" Why?"

" Grrr…."

And so the Dragon and the Demon eventually found themselves in front of the drafty shack. Since neither of them really wanted to be frozen solid by the time the storm ended, they entered. Upon entering, they discovered why it was called the Drafty Shack, for indeed, it was very drafty.

" Cold…" Filia groaned as she looked around, hoping to find something that might be of use. Icy wind was seeping in through the cracks and she shivered, rubbing her arms in an attempt to keep warm. Xelloss grinned as he held up something he dug up from one of the drawers in the shack, and her heart sank.

" Only one, Filia-san." He said, still smiling that annoying smile.

" Are you sure?" She asked, eyeing the blanket. It was one of those woefully overused blankets that little kids might carry around. Barely enough…even for two people. " Who gets it?"
The demon stuck his tongue out. " Finders keepers."

" What did you say, you selfish Namagomi?!"

A vein popped on his head. " N-Namagomi?!"

She used that chance to snatch the blanket out of his hands. " Mine!"

He actually gritted his teeth. " Hey, that isn’t very fair, you know. For a dragon who’s supposed to uphold justice, you’re certainly a selfish little creep."

Her eyes narrowed Dangerously ™. " Whaat? Did you just call me selfish?!"

" So what? It’s true." He huffed.

That did it. " HOW DARE YOU!" She screamed, throwing the blanket down. The Dragon’s Jewel at her throat glowing as she…transformed.

The author’s Drafty Shack for Blanket Scenarios was already battered and beaten by the storm. Filia’s transformation into full sized Golden Dragon successfully changed its official title from Drafty Shack to Pile of Destroyed Planks.

* author: I wonder if I can file some sort of Property Damage claim against her?*


Off at the foot of the mountain…

Lina Inverse looked up as a solid pillar of fire erupted from somewhere near the top of the snow-covered mountain. She toppled over when she caught a glimpse of a golden dragon blasting everything in sight. Incidentally, that is also doing a very good job of warming the average temperature, since most of the attacks involved fire. Lots of fire.


" My, my, Filia-san. Don’t you think destroying the shack was bad enough? I’m sure the author won’t forgive you if you destroyed her mountain too!"

" DIE! DIE! DIE!!!!"

" Can’t we discuss this like rational beings?"


And so…the Shack and the Mountain perished in this scenario, while Filia and Xelloss kept very warm and toasty by their attempt to kill each other.

The end.

The Blanket Scenario two

Phibrizo cursed. " I hate this author."

Garv growled. " I’m gonna wring her neck the next time I see her."

The two disgruntled Demon Lords trudged up the slippery road, both swearing up a storm. Phibrizo was especially vocal since the author kept him in his cute kid form, which meant the snow came up to his chin. Soon, they reached a wooden sign, which was in a rather pathetic condition.

" What the hell happened to this sign?" Phibby wondered.

Garv grunted, then leaned forward to read the sign since Phibby was still in his cute little boy form and couldn’t reach. " Repaired Drafty Shack for Blanket Scenarios…1/2 miles."

" Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Phibby muttered as he tried, to no avail, to see. He wished that he was taller or that it would stop snowing.

" Let’s go, shrimp."

" WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?! I’m THE Hellmaster Phibrizo!"

" Yeah, yeah. Stick close, I’m not going to look for you if you get lost."

Phibrizo would have argued except for the fact that the snow decided at that moment to redouble its efforts to bury him. Since he wasn’t very tall to begin with, it was mostly successful.

About ten minutes later.

" Finally!" The two Demon lords went into the Repaired Drafty Shack. Like the previous two occupants, they also found out why it was called the Repaired Drafty Shack.

" Who fricking build this piece of crap!?"

" I see where Valgarv picked up the language." Phibrizo muttered. " Lookie here, one blanket."

Garv peered at the blanket. " Why does it look a bit singed?"

" Who cares? It’s warm."

The bigger Demon Lord looked at Phibrizo for a minute. " Hey, didn’t it occur to you to share?"
" No." Phibrizo replied flippantly.

" Oh, I guess they didn’t teach that at your kindergarten, then." Garv retorted. Phibrizo fumed.

" I’m OLDER than you!"

" Sure don’t look it." Garv drawled. " Well, I suppose you should have the blanket, since you’re not as strong as I am."

" WHAT?!" Phibrizo got to his feet and stretched to his full height of four feet. "Take the blanket!" he yelled, throwing it off. " I’ll show you who’s stronger!"

" Fine." Garv said. " Whoever complains of the cold first loses the blanket. Until then, neither one of us gets it!"

And so we can deduce that it was a very long night…

The next morning…

Xellas sighed with exasperation at the door of the Drafty Shack. Inside were two very frozen Demon Lords. " I have to talk with the author." The Beastmaster muttered. " She shouldn’t pull this when we’re so close to coming up with a evil plan to destroy the world."

With another sigh, the female Demon Lord picked up her two frozen colleagues and teleported them to Hell, where hopefully they’ll thaw out and not kill each other.

The end