Demonstratives Hic, Ille, Iste; Special -ius Adjectives

I do not love thee, Chapter Nine
The reason why I know just fine
You make me sweat, you make me whine
I do not love thee, Chapter Nine

Chapter nine is a whole heap of memorization of declensions, and it was really, really annoying trying to figure out how to reduce them to a mnemonic. If I'd done it in Old MacDonald again, we'd be here memorizing verses for a week. Also be thankful you aren't stuck with I Am The Very Model of a Well-Declined Demonstrative, because I seriously considered it.

Instead, you get this, which is to the tune of Friday I'm In Love:

Singular demonstrative:
Ille, illius, illi, illum
Illo in the ablative
For male demonstratum

In the feminine it goes:
Illa, illus, illi, illam
Oh, illa on the final rows
When 'that' or 'those' are fem

The neuter like so:
Illud, illius, illi, illud
For ablative it is illo

The other demonstrative
Hic, huius, huic, hunc
Hoc is in the ablative
For male demonstratunc

In the feminine it goes:
Haec, huius, huic, hanc
Hac is on the final rows
If of a feminine rank

The neuter's mostly hoc:
Hoc huius huic hoc
And then you get another hoc

This is only in the singular, because God loves us and wants us to be happy, and therefore decreed that in the plurals these monstrosities decline like first and second declension nouns. Except for 'hic' in the neuter.

What do you do with a plural dem neuter?
What do you do with a plural dem neuter?
What do you do with a plural dem neuter
When declining Latin?

H-A-E-C is the right way!
H-A-E-C is the right way!
H-A-E-C is the right way
Nom, Acc, Voc in pattern!

Once you've got all this down, you're good for 'iste', too, because it's declined just like 'ille'. Likewise those '-ius' adjectives in the chapter. The book actually gives you an acronym the remember the adjectives - UNUS NAUTA (which means One Sailor). I find it more useful to group them by meaning and chant them:

One, none
Any, only
Neither, either
Other, Another

Incidentally, this was the point in the proceedings where I started noticing that the stuff they assign you from that 38 Latin Stories book is really damn depressing! Pandora unleashes troubles and woes upon the world, Phaethon falls ten thousand feet and goes splat, Europa had to spend a good chunk of her life as a cow, being watched over by a monster, and Atreus chopped up his nephews and served them for dinner! Didn't the ancient Romans tell any happy stories?!

EDIT: All right, you masochistic weirdos. You want I am the Very Model of a Well-Declined Demonstrative? You got it! I expect you to pay for the brain cells I killed writing this.

I am the very model of a well-declined demonstrative
When masculine and singular I'm
ille in the nominative
My genative is
illius, I'm illi in the dative
Illum is accusative and illo is ablative

Just how
in forma feminae I differ is here evident
To proper mem'rization you should find there's no impediment
illa, then I'm illius and illi as when male
To remember
illam, illa surely none of you can fail

To remember
illam, illa surely none of you can fail
To remember
illam, illa surely none of you can fail
To remember
illam, illa surely none of you can you can fail

Neuter genative and dative:
illius, illi, still you spot 'em
Just add
illud to the top and illud, illo to the bottom
And then in case and gender, too, and also in numerative
You'll have the very model of a well-declined demonstrative

And then in case and gender, too, and also in numerative
You'll have the very model of a well-declined demonstrative

Of course there's more than just one kind of well-declined demonstrative
There's male
hic and huius in nominative, genative
huic, hunc, and then I'm hoc, to illo not unlike it
For those were 'this' and these are 'that' - fear not, you'll learn to like it

This second type can likewise take on
formae feminarum
haec, with the second two as formae mascularum
Then finish up with
hanc and hac, your cat knows how to call 'em
Cogita de sounds of hairballs and you're certain to recall 'em

Cogita de sounds of hairballs and you're certain to recall 'em
Cogita de sounds of hairballs and you're certain to recall 'em
Cogita de sounds of hairballs and you're certain to recall recall 'em

When neuter I am male still in gen. and dative cases
So change the others all to
hoc to cover all your bases
And then in case and gender, too, and also in numerative
You'll have the very model of a well-declined demonstrative

And then in case and gender, too, and also in numerative
You'll have the very model of a well-declined demonstrative

When you use me in the plural form, rejoice at realizing
That you already did all over the rel'vant memorizing
Forgive me if I spared 'til last this fact my song now mentions
When plural I am very like the first two noun declensions

Except of course for neuter, where I differ only slightly
haec in slot one and four and you'll have done it rightly
The last type of demonstrative is
iste, ista, istud
And it's declined exactly just like
ille, illa, illud

And it's declined exactly just like
ille, illa, illud
And it's declined exactly just like
ille, illa, illud
And it's declined exactly just like
ille, illa, illa, illud

When you're declining
unus, solus, neuter, uter, nullus
You'll find the
ille endings, totus, alius, alter, ullus
To match the case and gender too, and also the numerative
Be glad you know the model of a well-declined demonstrative

To match the case and gender too, and also the numerative
Be glad you know the model of a well-declined demonstrative