Mistress DragonFlame, it helped that you reviewed while I was making the final edits to the next chapter, which is why I'm replying to both reviews here. I am curious as to what else you think I could have meant by 'dark chocolate,' though I'm not sure I want to know either. Either way, thanks for the chocolate! Saki, Xelloss says, "Actually, I just want to find out as soon as possible should Zelas decide that I should marry Filia. It'd be a bit hard to get a ring that'll _fit_ her in both forms." Make of that what you will. Meanwhile, I'm glad you found the chapter cute. Kikou, sorry, but you weren't the first to review the last chapter. Anyway, I'd had conflicting information for years about the possible hallucinogenic properties of morning glories for a while. Then, over a year ago now, I managed to get a plant catalogue that not only gave details but also listed for sale the particular species... Someday, I may try growing them myself, though life's interesting enough without hallucinations so I won't try to verify it personally. I do have to agree re: uninhibited Fi, and I'm happy that the implications of a wedding amused you. Thank you very much for the dark chocolate! Monkeys, my thanks to your mistress for the large amounts of dark chocolate and for the great complement. I work hard to maintain even, high quality in my writing and it's always nice when somebody notices. Lauren-sama, it might. It was intended as a transition piece (and Zelas wanted more 'screen time'), though to me at least the only new thing I added when it came to the notes on hallucinogenic properties is being more particular than those who have mentioned them before. BTW, from what I understand the job of 'shrine maiden' or _miko_ does actually require being virgin, or at least not having sex while serving as one. However, Filia's no longer a shrine maiden / priestess / _miko_ (depending on how you like your translation), so she's no longer actually bound to continue to meet the job's requirements. (I may be off; my primary reference on _miko_ was translated from Japanese by Japanese-speakers and is thus sometimes not as clear as one might wish.) Slayers is the creation of Hajime Kanzaka and Rui Araizumi. I don't own it; they and a lot of other people do. I'm not making any profit off of this story. All lyrics used in this story are from the songs of This Mortal Coil. _With Tomorrow_ is copyright Clark / Davis & Rondor Music (London) Ltd. and the original version was recorded by Gene Clark. +===+ +===+ +===+ Mr Somewhere +=== A Slayers Fanfic by Ryo Hoshi 17 +===+ With Tomorrow So with tomorrow, I will borrow Another moment of joy and sorrow And another dream, and another With tomorrow -- With Tomorrow Xelloss busied himself in Filia's kitchen, making tea. He knew that Filia would be woken up by the smells of the tea and the selection of pastries he had picked up from the best bakery in the port where he'd booked passage. He had every intention of convincing Filia to stop at the particular bakery before they left that city. Filia padded in softly, only wearing a nightgown. "Welcome back, Xelloss." He grinned. "Did you miss me?" He knew the answer already, but he asked anyway. Xelloss wasn't expecting to be kissed, but didn't mind the surprise at all. "The box smells good. What's in it?" "Oh, just a selection of pastries I picked up at Suthaven. It's a nice port city, only a couple days hard travel from here and just below the southernmost border of the Desert of Destruction. Our ship leaves from there in five days, so we should have no trouble getting there if we set out tomorrow at dawn." Filia made an appreciative noise as she ate a doughnut from the box. "That's good. I've already made our excuses, so all we have to do now is check my packing...and get reacquainted." "Yes, and we _should_ go to bed early. You should be well-rested tomorrow morning..." Filia laughed. "I suppose there's no chance that we can save some of these for breakfast tomorrow? They're good." "Oh, I can easily fetch a few more in the morning. They make wonderful cheesecakes, too. If you're willing, we could visit the bakery while we're in Suthaven." "That sounds _wonderful_." Xelloss mechanically smoothed Filia's hair, not quite connected mentally to reality but beyond caring. Since mazoku couldn't become intoxicated with alcohol, though they certainly could enjoy its flavor, he used to have only a vague idea why anybody would want to be drunk. It seemed an embarrassing and generally uncomfortable condition, and the hangovers it produced were quite definitely delightful for any nearby mazoku. He understood why they got drunk _now_. It made a lot of sense. It felt amazingly good. It might even be worth a possible hangover in the morning. Xelloss moaned, not at _all_ happy about getting to experience a hangover personally. Mazoku only rarely fed off their own negative emotions, as it had the nasty side effect of damaging their forms and unless it was a choice between that and complete destruction it was something to avoid doing at all costs. The only use _he_ could ever have for a hangover all his own would be if he had to nurse an underling, and that was something he had no plans to ever have any need of doing, ever. He was not going to willingly let Filia ever get so horny again. Xelloss had covered up his hangover expertly, though. _Now_, he thought to himself, _if only Filia would stop being so damn *cheerful*..._ He paused, suddenly, feeling several people arrive outside, probably to wish them luck on their trip. Well, some were. He could taste the lovely, saccerine-sweet flavor of latent hostility and wonderful limy taste of not-so-latent jealousy among a significant number of them. He grinned, feeling better already. It was so nice to know that other men had been interested in _his_ Filia. He quickly went out to join Filia. "Dear, we need to be leaving now if we want to be certain of sleeping in a bed tonight," he announced loudly. His hangover was unable to outlast the resultant wave of jealousy, and he was left with only a faint craving for key lime pie. Filia smiled at him, completely oblivious to the existence of jealous would-be suitors. "Just a moment, Xelloss!" She quickly thanked the well-wishers, and soon they were walking away from the town. After the last houses were a mile behind them, Filia stopped. "Is there anybody close enough to us to see me transform, Xelloss?" "None who would notice it, at least. It is a shame you've never visited Suthaven, but that can't be helped. It _was_ a minor port until a few years ago." "Thank you," she said, ignoring his commentary. Soon, she was airborne and they were on their way again, this time moving much faster, though not without a few problems. "Xelloss, stop riding on my back!" +===+ +===+ +===+ +===+ +===+ +===+ +===+ +===+ +===+ I've no idea if there's any canon basis for mazoku being able to feed other mazoku, but it could be quite useful sometimes. Its main use here would be keeping an underling (and, probably quite rarely, superiors) from starving when they're too weak to go out among possibly hostile food sources. This is the last chapter of Mr Somewhere. The story will be continued in Shikar, which I will be starting in two weeks. Thank you, everybody, who has read Mr Somewhere, and particularly those who have reviewed! I'm quite grateful for it! Reviews for this chapter will be answered in the opening AN of Shikar, so don't be afraid to review. Meanwhile, I highly recommend that you read Idylls while waiting for me to get Shikar started.